The return of the products with torn, worn, whelmed or crushed original package or without courier label will absolutely not be accepted.

You are free to return the purchased products in their original package and on non-damaged condition within 14 days.

You need to deliver, within 14 days, the product that you wish to return to our address on condition that its original package and the product are not damaged, the product is not used and it is complete. In such cases, if the products are returned by courier, the relevant fee will be borne by the customer.

You will need to return the product with its original package, invoice and a letter explaining the reason of returning.

The returned product will be first examined by our Return Department and will be sent to the authorized technical service or the supplier company of the product to be tested if required.

The return of the products with damaged original packages, which lost its marketability or which are in such a condition that they cannot be re-sold, will absolutely not be accepted.

The courier fee of the products, which are returned by using the Right of Withdrawal mentioned in the Distance Sales Contract, will be borne by the customer.

In the case of return of defective products, if the customer returns the defective products via our contracted courier company, UPS Cargo, the courier charge will be borne by our company. In case of return with any other courier companies, the courier fee will be borne by the customer.