Metem International, does not declare, sell, share or abuse any of the personal information and e-mail addresses of its members and clients under no name, for any reasons and to any third parties.

Metem International, does not keep any credit card information and consequently it does not ask or demand such information within the scope of the membership procedures. During the shopping process nobody, including any of the Metem International employees, may be able to see your Credit Card information and the Credit Card information are transmitted to the relevant banks through the most secure dual connection systems.

In order to follow the shopping carts and to prevent the consecutive pop up of the same advertisement in our website, it is made benefit of the IP addresses and Cookies. It is made benefit of the Cookies to store the password in order to eliminate the necessity of entering them again and again and also to offer a customized content in accordance with the personal interests of the clients.

Information consisting of any kind of claims, suggestions and question received from the members and visitors of our website are kept in order to measure the performance of the website. Such information may not be used for any reasons other than replying to such questions of the members and visitors.

The unauthorized use of any text or image published on the Metem International by the third persons is strictly prohibited. No content material or functionality present on this website may be used in any other channels.